Bloodvein River Solo 2015

Sunday Aug 16 – Day 21

Time: 0 hours 0 minutes

Distance: 0.0 km

The rain finally came in the night, never hard nor extended. I woke a few times in the morning but the low grey and fast moving cloud didn’t inspire much action. At around 11:00am I made tea and contemplated my plan for the day. I could get going but instead I went back to sleep. Periodically I would wake, take a swig of tea, peek outside and go back to sleep. At 5:00pm it was clear I was not going anywhere today, I wondered around outside, one moment the sun would peek out and then a few minutes later a few sprinkles of rain would land. Around 8:00pm I made dinner, it was noticeably cooler and continued dropping overnight. Although the cloud cover and rain sprinkles continued I had hopes that the drop in temperature was the beginning of a change.

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