Bloodvein River Solo 2015

Monday Aug 10 – Day 15

Time: 0 hours 0 minutes

Distance: 0.0 km

I woke up at 10:30am, only about 4 hours of sleep. I briefly considered moving along immediately and then just as quickly abandoned that concept entirely! Instead I made a nice breakfast of hash browns and sausage with a mug of tea. I spent a few minutes outside starring off at nothing much and enjoying the nice sunny weather. After that flurry of activity I went back to bed until 5:00pm. It had been a very pleasant day weather wise, mostly sunny, warm and little if any wind, a good day to have been travelling but also a good day for resting up! As I was officially now in layover mode, I sent off a SPOT ok message and then had another 2 hour nap!

I made some soup and a cheese & veg wrap for dinner, cleaned the dishes that had accumulated, cleaned up the cabin and prepared my gear as much as possible for a fast getaway. It was very still outside, this had brought out the mosquitos which were finding their way in to the cabin, I lit a coil and went on a mini bug hunt. I looked over the maps for tomorrow, there were a number of rapids coming up over the next 15km but mostly they were runnable CII’s with perhaps two short portages or with luck some lining. After that it’s all flatwater for at least 30km so I plan to get underway as early as possible and just paddle until I quit or darkness approaches.

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